Thursday, August 15, 2019

The slutty double standard

SSH e felt ashamed and degraded. I wanted to cry with her. I can't think Of a more humiliating ins alt. First of all I am going to address a problem in our culture called â€Å"slut shaming† the cone opt women being shamed and euthanized. Slut shaming is a double standard that is highly n touchable in our society. I see it in the words that come out of my contemporaries, acquaint cues or even my friend's mouths. I see this double standard in an overwhelming amount in our tabloids, blob posts.It is also found in most TV shows, Movies and even song lyrics. One of the earliest definitions Of slut is an untidy woman. It has changed and become a sexual slur targeted towards females. This aspect that there are few words as hurtful as insinuating female promiscuity says a lot about our society. (Definition of slut shaming) Slut shaming also known as slashing, is the idea of shaming and/ or attacking a woman or a girl for being sexual, having one or more sexual partners, acknowledging sex al feelings, and/ or acting on sexual feelings. (From an article in psychology today) Furthermore, it's about the implication that if a woman has sex in which trade action society disapproves of, she should feel guilty and inferior. It is damaging not only to t he girls and women targeted, but to women in general and society as a whole. Terms that imply female romanticist include: tramp, where, sank, hoe, and many more that are not a appropriate for this forum. Terms that imply male promiscuity: leadsman, gigolo, stud, sugar daddy, womanlier, playboy, and player.One thing we should be conscious of is Term ms that imply female promiscuity consist in a negative matter rather than the male terms the at instead embodies notions of power and conquest. Feel as though a big cause of this problem is how In most media females are defined by their sexual desirability but are expected to stay sexually inexperienced, while whew n men are promiscuous it is considered clever and fortunate. T his perpetuates the Dobb el standard. In the movie Pretty Woman, Richard Greer is received as a sophisticated wealthy gentleman who just happens to be with a prostitute.Julia Roberts, the prostitute is a low class hooker who is so lucky Richard Greer actually takes an interest in her. A earldom girl attending a homeless prom and wearing appropriate cloth Eng per prom guidelines got kicked out of prom because middleware homeless dads cool d not stop staring at her. Creepy grown men should stay to supervise because they are s o responsible and obviously she was the problem. At the at the Vim's (Video Music Awards) hen Mile Cyrus performed â€Å"we can't stop† I can't believe how much the media slut shah med her for towering .

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