Monday, September 30, 2019

Are We an Overmedicated Society Essay

Are we an overmedicated society? Have you ever opened your medicine cabinet, and really looked at its contents? Have you ever stopped to wonder exactly what is in those bottles, and what it is doing inside your body? Do we really need all of those drugs? These are the questions I began asking myself a few years ago, and I feel most people should be questioning these things more often. Every time that I see a new commercial or advertisement that highlights a dangerous drug and the resulting lawsuits, I have to wonder how many drugs out there are just as dangerous, but haven’t been documented yet. How many diseases are fabricated so that more drugs can be sold? We have been engineered to believe that every human emotion and condition is a disease and should be medicated. But how much is too much? My first argument is that society today has become much too reliant on prescription medications and it has gotten to be out of control on many grounds. The two groups of individuals I feel are most at risk for this type of over-indulgence are children and the elderly. A third group of concern involves the mentally impaired or depressed segment of society, which I will get to. But first, I will divulge my assessment of children’s psychiatry from my viewpoint. A century ago, parents were free to discipline their children in the way they saw fit. As a result, children grew up to be respectable adults with jobs and accountability for their actions. There were still those who deviated of course, but it seems it was much less prevalent than it is today. Now, we have become a society who is afraid to discipline their children for fear of repercussion from social services and the threat of losing their children. As a result, we now have many children growing up who learn that they are in charge of their parents. These children are not required to respect their parents, and this results in a lack of respect for humans in general. This has consequently led to a rise in sociopathic behavior among teenagers and young adults who have been raised with absolutely no accountability for their actions or respect for human life. For those parents whose children have gotten out of control, they customarily turn to their family physicians for advice. I believe this has led to a rise in the creation of childhood diseases and medications to go along with them. In recent years, there appears to be a huge increase in the number of children diagnosed with ADHD and different levels of the Autism spectrum. These children are being sedated with pills instead of learning how to behave in a socially acceptable manner. They then grow up never learning how to properly integrate into society, and from there we have mentally impaired, depressed, and often sociopathic adults who are told they will require more medication and sedation for their entire lives. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a second segment of society that is suffering from pharmaceutical negligence is the elderly population. You may have noticed the number of medications typically found in your grandmother’s medicine cabinet, and this scenario is not atypical. Seniors are taking medications for things that don’t need to be medicated. As a result, they need additional medications to combat the side effects of the original medications prescribed. It is like a domino effect, each one building on another. One drug might be taken for low glucose levels. This drug may cause high blood pressure and high cholesterol, giving rise to the need for additional medications to counteract those two life-threatening conditions. In turn the secondary medications might have adverse reactions requiring additional medications and so on, creating a dangerous level of chemicals taken daily. Having to take so many medications, and often on a low or fixed income, puts a huge strain on the average elderly patient, and significantly lowers the quality of life experienced in the last phase of life. In addition to young children and senior citizens, my third area of concern is the mental health arena. We are currently diagnosing illnesses and prescribing pills for every range of normal human emotion and behavior. Feelings of anger, elation, sadness, and anxiety are all normal human responses to different stresses issued from the natural environment around us. But we have been manufactured to believe that any one of these can signal the presence of serious illness and disease, and if we are experiencing these we had better hightail it to the nearest doctor and get a pill to erase it all. This is what the pharmaceutical companies want us to believe, and it has been working amazingly well for them so far. The doctor is not programmed to tell you that you are experiencing normal human emotions, instead, they get you very upset and worried that you are actually suffering from a major mental disorder that requires immediate action and medication. Now, I agree that therapy is often needed for excess amounts of any one of these emotions. However, I feel that in most cases medication is simply not needed. Would you apply a Band-Aid to a surgical wound? That is what I feel the value of most of these medications really is. It never solves the root of the issue, so the patient continues to take these medications that their body becomes dependent on, thus supporting the drug companies for the rest of their lives. One of the main issues when it comes to mental health in patients of all ages is the subject of anti-anxiety medications. I recently discovered an article which was penned with regard to the use of anxiety medications in the United States and internationally, and whether or not it is a concern. According to Armstrong, â€Å"their use has increased in America at the rate of 7 million prescriptions a year† (1). This raises the concern that the exponential growth of these drugs will eventually lead to an entire country of sedated citizens. Despite popular belief, however, most of these prescriptions are written by family physicians and not psychiatrists, to deal with patients who believe they have a disease they don’t have and are demanding pills. Despite reassurances of the safety of the use of benzodiazepines, concerns still linger as to how much is too much. The pharmaceutical industry is greatly to blame for fueling this negligent over-use of harmful chemicals. It really is all about money, when it comes down to it. It seems like they are eager to produce any concoction that they can market to the American public that will sell in mass quantities, whether or not it is actually necessary for anyone’s health. It is possible, even, that they go as far as to manufacture their own illnesses so they can capitalize on it any way they can. As a result, there doesn’t seem to be enough research going into many of the drugs that are approved by the FDA and take up space on a pharmacy shelf. They might run it by a group of not-so-randomly selected individuals for a quick test-run. Then, even if adverse reactions are found, they are justified and dismissed and the public never even finds out. If they do, it is usually in small print at the end of a drug advertisement, and the public never even takes notice of it because they are so hyped up about the possible positive outcomes this drug may have in store for them. The marketing is so intense that it convinces many people they have diseases they don’t even have and they rush to the doctor to fill their demands. According to Strand & Wallace, â€Å"†¦fewer than 50% of all of the serious adverse reactions to a new drug the FDA releases are identified prior to its release into the marketplace† (2, pg 46). This is a very alarming statistic that needs to be taken seriously! The doctors, in turn, are often pressured by the drug companies to market these drugs to patients who do not even present with symptoms which would call for such drugs. These doctors are often enticed by incentives and benefits offered by these companies to convince them to dole out these unnecessary medications. Essentially, they are â€Å"wined and dined† by the pharmaceutical companies. The other issue facing doctors is that these patients show up in droves with complaints and expect pills. If they are turned away or refused, the doctor faces possible legal actions, possibly law suits or malpractice claims. So, the easy solution is to give the patient what they want, not what they need. Essentially, the conventional doctor/patient relationship has eroded almost entirely. Patients are now doctoring themselves, deciding which drugs they need, and then going to the doctor with their demands since they cannot fill their scripts without a prescription. The book, â€Å"Death By Prescription†, has an excellent example of this. The author provides a story of a patient named Cynthia who goes in for her annual exam, confirms the presence of menopause, and against her better judgment is prescribed hormone replacement therapy. Everything seems to be going well for a few months, and then she unexpectedly collapses one day, completely at random, from acute cardiac arrest. After she has been put to rest, the husband then discovers that there were concerns about heart related problems for a year before his wife was initially prescribed this medication. (2, pgs 3-7) The doctor who wrote this book speaks of his dismay that potentially life-threatening drug reactions are never brought to the consumer’s attention until it is too late. Since these drugs are hitting the market without adequate research to possible drug reactions or interactions, more and more lawsuits are being filed. Every time I see a new lawsuit for a drug that was heavily marketed, I wonder which one will be next. I take a few prescriptions myself, only because they are necessary to control severe acid reflux which could erode my entire esophagus and to keep allergies in check which have a tendency to cause ear infections with me. I wouldn’t take them if I didn’t absolutely need to. One that I’ve seen recently is a lawsuit for a popular birth control drug, Yasmin, that I clearly remember advertisements for which involved many women in bright yellow bathing suits. Other examples that I can think of just off the top of my head are Avandia, Phen Phen, and Thalidomide. A famous example, though, is the whole Vioxx fiasco. Vioxx was a popular pain reliever that was touted as more effective than ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, but little was known about its potentially fatal side effects, mostly related to heart problems. According to Carey, Barrett, and Cropper, â€Å"†¦society needs to understand that drugs are a double-edged sword. Doctors should do a better job of keeping up with pharmaceutical findings. And patients should know that all medicines are potentially dangerous and should be used cautiously. In the past, â€Å"people accepted that there was no such thing as a totally safe drug,† says McKillop. Today we have become much more risk-averse. † Adds Dr. Mary H. Parks, a top FDA drug-approval official: â€Å"Even in the best case, with full due diligence, we will never know everything about a drug. † That’s why it will always be a struggle to hit just the right balance between help and harm. † (3) This lends credence to my belief that most drugs that have b een on the market less than 10 years should not be trusted. Hopefully, this paper has influenced the general perspective on the pharmaceutical industry itself and how many drugs should be taken by the average consumer on a daily basis. How many times have doctors prescribed brand new â€Å"cures† for diseases that no one has ever heard of? Consumers should be taking note of just how many drugs are being over-marketed and should be aware of the dangers posed by the chemicals ingested on a daily basis. If it is something that is not needed for normal daily functioning, should it even be prescribed? Is it doing more harm than good? How much research has been conducted for this particular drug? Whether the individual is a young child, a middle-aged adult, a psychiatric or geriatric patient, these are the questions that each person should be asking every day.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Information Literacy Essay

Information literacy is an understanding and set of abilities allowing persons to â€Å"distinguish when information is needed† and have the capacity to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively employ the needed information. â€Å". An information literate individual is someone who has learned how to learn, and is able to: ? recognise a need for information ? Establish the extent of information needed ?efficiently access the needed information ?assess the information along with its sources critically ?add in particular information into their knowledge base  ?make use of information effectively to achieve a specific purpose ? comprehend legal, economic, social and cultural matters in the use of information ? Make use of and access information ethically Information literacy is not identical to computer literacy (which involves a technological expertise to control computer hardware and software) or library literacy (which entails the capability to utilize a library’s collection and its services), even though there is a strong relationship between all these concepts. Each literacy calls for some level of critical thinking. However weighted against computer literacy, information literacy goes further than kust having access to, and knowledge of how to employ the technology, since technology alone does not assure quality learning experiences. Compared with library literacy, information literacy is above searching through an online catalogue or other reference materials, for information literacy is not a technique, but a objective for novices. Information literacy involves knowledge of the manner in which information systems work, of the dynamic bond among a specific information need and the sources and channels needed to fulfill that need. Information Literacy – Why? Information literacy necessary given the proliferation of information access and resources. People are faced with different, abundant, information choices in the place of work, in their studies as well as in their lives. Information is available throughout community resources, media, the internet, manufacturers special interest organisations, service providers  and libraries. Progressively more, information comes unfiltered. This brings up questions about authenticity, validity, and reliability. Information is also accessible through multiple media, embracing graphical, aural, and textual. These pose special challenges in evaluating, understanding and using information in an ethical and legal manner. The doubtful quality and expanding quantity of information also cause large challenges for businesses of all types, as well as for society itself. Why has the idea of information literacy taken root? The concept of information literacy has its roots in the appearance of the information society, characterized by fast growth in accessible information and related changes in technology used to create, disseminate, access and control that information. Ever since the publication of the American Library Association’s (ALA) Final report (1989), written by a group of librarians and other educationalist, the idea of information literacy has been broadly accepted. This focus in information literacy is largely a result of its strong association with the idea of permanent learning. Conclusion: Being information literate requires knowing how to clearly define a subject or area of investigation; select the appropriate terminology that expresses the concept or subject under investigation; formulate a search strategy that takes into consideration different sources of information and the variable ways that information is organized; analyze the data collected for value, relevancy, quality, and suitability; and subsequently turn information into knowledge (ALA 1989). This involves a deeper understanding of how and where to find information, the ability to judge whether that information is meaningful, and ultimately, how best that information can be incorporated to address the problem or issue at hand. Sources: 1. http://www. nap. edu/catalog/6482. html 2. http://www. ycp. edu/library/ifl/glossary. html 3. http://www. ala. org/Content/NavigationMenu/ACRL/Standards_and_Guidelines/Information_Literacy_Competency_Standards_for_Higher_Educati on. htm#ildef 4. http://www. ala. org/Content/NavigationMenu/ACRL/Publications/White_Papers_and_Reports/Presidential_Comitee_on_Information_Literacy. htm 5. http://www. nap. edu/catalog/6482. html 6. http://notes. cc. sunysb. edu/Pres/boyer. nsf/ 7. http://www. infolit. org/index. html 8. http://www. infolit. org/documents/progress. html 9. http://www. fiu. edu/~library/ili/iliweb. html 10. http://www. infolit. org/definitions/index. html 11. http://www. infolit. org/documents/89report. htm 12. http://www. ed. gov/pubs/UnderLit/understanding. html 13. http://www. bham. wednet. edu). 14. http://www. rrpubs. com/heproc).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

MANAGING PEOPLE IN RETAIL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

MANAGING PEOPLE IN RETAIL - Essay Example Ð s retÐ °il orgÐ °nizÐ °tion, reporting relÐ °tionships chÐ °nge, spÐ °ns of control Ð °re modified, Ð °nd depÐ °rtmentÐ °l functions Ð °re Ð °ltered. In most retÐ °il orgÐ °nizÐ °tions, these chÐ °nges come in the fÐ °ce of relÐ °tively little premerger plÐ °nning. Ð lthough mÐ °ny firms consider the implicÐ °tions of structurÐ °l chÐ °nge on their orgÐ °nizÐ °tion, often such Ð °nÐ °lysis is cursory Ð °nd superficiÐ °l. This pÐ °per will introduce the elements of structure within the retÐ °il orgÐ °nizÐ °tion, then explore the relÐ °tionship Ð °mong structure, strÐ °tegy, Ð °nd culture. FinÐ °lly, the structurÐ °l chÐ °nges within retÐ °il orgÐ °nizÐ °tion strÐ °tegy is presented in the previous pÐ °ssÐ °ges of the pÐ °per. RetÐ °il orgÐ °nizÐ °tionÐ °l structure hÐ °s numerous dimensions: formÐ °lizÐ °tion, speciÐ °lizÐ °tion, stÐ °ndÐ °rdizÐ °tion, hierÐ °rchy of Ð °uthority, complexity, centrÐ °lizÐ °tion, professionÐ °lism, Ð °nd personnel rÐ °tios. Ð mong them, complexity, formÐ °lizÐ °tion, Ð °nd centrÐ °lizÐ °tion Ð °re focÐ °l to our discussion of retÐ °il orgÐ °nizÐ °tion (see Figure 1). Complexity refers to the number Ð °nd vÐ °riety of hierÐ °rchicÐ °l lÐ °yers, job titles, Ð °nd divisions Ð °nd depÐ °rtments within Ð °n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion. The more lÐ °yers Ð °nd divisions, the higher the complexity of Ð °n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion. (BÐ °ddeleys, JÐ °mes, 1990) It is needed to sÐ °y thÐ °t the level of complexity vÐ °ries within the retÐ °il orgÐ °nizÐ °tion. Within Tesco, the legÐ °l depÐ °rtment hÐ °s mÐ °ny lÐ °yers of lÐ °wyers Ð °nd stÐ °ff members servicing the legÐ °l needs of different regions of the country, whereÐ °s mÐ °nufÐ °cturing mÐ °y hÐ °ve only one locÐ °tion with two hierÐ °rchicÐ °l levels. FormÐ °lizÐ °tion refers to the number Ð °nd content of rules Ð °nd regulÐ °tions present within Ð °n retÐ °il orgÐ °nizÐ °tion. The more written rules, stÐ °ndÐ °rd operÐ °ting procedures, Ð °nd policy mÐ °nuÐ °ls, the more formÐ °l Ð °n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion. The degree of formÐ °lizÐ °tion determines how mÐ °ny decisions Ð °re preprogrÐ °mmed, since

Friday, September 27, 2019

Informal Objective Summaries Ethics, the Cold War, Vietnam Essay

Informal Objective Summaries Ethics, the Cold War, Vietnam - Essay Example He asserts that Christians should pray and have faith and hope of winning. He goes further to explain that this is because we are the cause of war. He claims that it is the hatred in our own selves that makes us to fight. We fight because our hatred is so big that we cannot note, but see the little hatred in others. We use others as scapegoats and invest all our evil in them and, therefore, think that once we fight these scapegoats we will be liberated. However, deep in the article, Morton gets into the social cultural perspective and condemns the society for its failures in protecting those who had good intentions for the society. He says that the society instead criticizes them for their failures in some cases blaming them for the happenings. He says the power of God can be the solution since as much as we do not trust in one another we all trust in Gods being and we should not condemn but love all carefully (Merton, 1962). Roy Arundhat argues from social/ cultural perspective. â⠂¬Å"Drinking wine and preaching water†, a phrase commonly used to refer to hypocritical acts, is what Arundhat Roy indirectly meant by saying girls are boys and boys are girls in reference to America particularly the war with Iraq and the Taliban terrorists. This is particularly because before the war, the then American president said America was a peaceful country that had its own fundamental values and could not accept evil, violence, and murderers. Roy’s argument here is that, if for real America rejected violence, war, and evil they should have not gone to wars in the first place for war is an act of all. He goes further to list the other twenty nations that America has been involved in war with since world war two to emphasize this. Roy pinpoints some of the reasons why he opposes the war by fast saying that acts of terrorism should be condemned including the September 11th bombing. However, he notes that the methods used to respond (attacking the Taliban) in Iraq and hurting thousands of innocent people including women and children was not right. Roy point out that this has adversely affected the world’s economic status beginning with the instability of many countries economy because of the oil from the middle east which was affected by the war (Iraq) (Arundhat, 2001). Model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal or one who has been declared so (Saint) by canonization are the simple definitions or what we think of once we hear a person be referred to as a Saint. A peacemaker can be compared to a saint. He should be compared to a saint because of taking the risk to ensure that people live in harmony. Peacemaking is not an easy act and sometimes one has to create peace by ignoring what a war can do to him or her. In this context, we can use the example of Thomas Merton who gave an example of those who have good intentions for the society, but if they fail, they are condemned. Therefore, a peacemaker takes the risk de spite knowing the risks in case of failure and stands in to see a good course for the society. Secondly, a peacemaker should be compared to a saint since every war is different or special in its own right and brings different challenges that must be overcome by a peacemaker. This is a role that can be played by a few people because of the risks and dangers involved in it. Therefore, one who stands in as a peacemaker does something extra ordinary (has no equal) or special,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Risks to the Health Care Staff and Quality of Service and Essay - 2

The Risks to the Health Care Staff and Quality of Service and Profitability - Essay Example When patients are pursuing the health care talents of care providers, they are usually already experiencing heightened emotions as they attempt to cope with their current health issues. When a client is ill, it can bring feelings of â€Å"guilt, resentment, bitterness, anger, fear, grief and even shame† which, when expressed through less-productive client behaviours, can be â€Å"alarming and unsettling† for care providers (MacDonald, 2004, p.14). For example, in a health care clinic devoted to providing walk-in care to multiple patient demographics, there is always going to be different personalities which adjust to health crises quite differently. Some patients will likely express their fear and anger in more productive, socially-civilized formats while others explode at the health care provider and can even exhibit aggressive behaviour. In this more volatile client environment, health care staff must recognize that these are normal human behaviours and consistently m aintain professional decorum. Unfortunately, however, in more volatile situations where patients are raging out of fear and anger, staff reactions to patient anger â€Å"is often a defensive one that actually fuels more anger† (Thomas, 2003, p.103). For example, in a health care environment where staffing levels are insufficient to meet client demand, the last thing a patient wants to hear are explanations for the delay in service provision. A staffer who offers, â€Å"We’re simply short of help and there are other people ahead of you waiting for service†, will likely create considerable animosity between the patient and the care provider (Thomas, p.103).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

3-page Report on Problem 28 pages with conclusions and show Essay

3-page Report on Problem 28 pages with conclusions and show calculations - Essay Example At the same time, because investors believe that managers know the correct share price, IST faces a lemons problem if it attempts to raise the $500 million by issuing equity. a. Suppose that if IST issues equity, the share price will remain $13.50. To maximize the long term share price of the firm once its true value is known, would managers choose to issue equity or borrow the $500 million if If there are no costs from issuing debt, then the managers would only issue equity if the correct value shares are overvalued. But because of this, investors would only buy equity at the lowest possible value for the firm, which in this case is $12.50 and not $13.50. Since there would be no gains by issuing equity, the firm would issue debt. The key to the decision of the managers on whether to borrow or issue equity lies with the accuracy of the information that they have. In the two cases we analyzed, if the value of shares is actually lower than the current share price (it is overvalued), it would make sense for the managers to issue equity, knowing that investors will respond in such a way that the price will just eventually go down to the actual value of the shares. However, if the actual value turns out to be higher (it is undervalued), borrowing shows that the company thinks (or knows) this is so and will prompt investors to raise share prices eventually matching the value that the managers want it to reach. This phenomenon says a lot about how information about the actual value of a stock versus speculative pricing affects the market. Investors respond to choices made by companies based on assumptions like the ones we illustrated, whether or not managers are educated enough to know that the market will move that way. In this, we see that reckless borrowing or selling leads to undesirable results for managers. In the same way, managers who have deft control of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Behavioral Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Behavioral Psychology - Essay Example John B. Watson founded the school of behavioral psychology in hopes that it would make psychology as academically respected as other sciences such as chemistry and physiology were. He moved away from the introspective methods of psychology which were popular at the time, and moved towards a more scientific, observable approach. He believed that the behavior of humans and animals were comparable, and therefore, most behavioral experiments used animals such as rats as subjects and then generalized the findings to humans. Watson believed that all behavior could be explained by what was called "classical conditioning" (Watson, 1999). The idea behind classical conditioning is that one could pair a stimulus that causes a response or reflex with an unrelated stimulus. Over time, the unrelated stimulus alone should cause the response or reflex. An example of this would the famous experiment conducted by Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov noticed that when he set food out for his dogs, they would salivate. He then paired the setting out of food with ringing a bell. Over time, the dogs salivated to the ringing bell alone, without the setting out of food. ... While he agreed that the behaviors of animals and humans are comparable and that psychology should focus of observable behavior, Skinner did believe that there is such thing as the mind. The only reason he chose to study observations over the mind is because observations can be objectively measured in a scientific way whereas the mind cannot (Boeree, 2006). Skinner also differs from Watson in that he believes that changes in behavior can be attributed to reinforcers, whereas Watson attributes change in behavior to associations between events. Skinner referred to this theory of behavior as "operant conditioning" which maintains that "the behavior is followed by a consequence, and the nature of the consequence modifies the organism's tendency to repeat the behavior in the future" (Boeree, 2006, p. 2). Depending on the type of reinforcer, the likelihood of the behavior can be increased or decreased. For example, if a child is given praise every time he says "please", he will likely cont inue to say "please". This is an example of positive reinforcement, which increases the likelihood of a behavior. At the same time, punishment decreases the likelihood of a behavior. For example, if a child is put in time out every time he pushes his sister, then he should begin to push his sister less and less. Skinner also believed that once a reinforcer is taken away, then the behavior should occur less and less. This belief led Skinner to believe that there was no such thing as free will. He explained that people behave badly because that behavior is rewarded in some way and that people behave well because that behavior is rewarded in some way. On the other hand, Edward C. Tolman had a different set of views than Watson and Skinner. While Tolman shied away

Monday, September 23, 2019

Self-Disclosure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Self-Disclosure - Essay Example Sadness is expressed when one is in such condition as discouraged, gloomy depressed or downhearted. It is a difficult moment of every human being. Empathy is regarded when people have the ability and will for sensing people’s emotions that are accompanied by the capability to imagine what they think or feel (Spence, Fox, Golding & Daiches, 2012). It is expressed when one feel stressed when we detected another person’s fear or anxiety. Sympathy goes beyond one’s empathy since it is acknowledging another person’s emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance. Personally has been a victim of grapevine information. This is due to the fact that all human beings are front of informal person to person means of circulating information or gossip. Handling rapine information is a real challenge but when handled in a proper way cannot lead to fighting. The best way I can handle is through dialogue and understanding the root cause of the information, eventually the situation is contained leaving both parties satisfied (Spence, Fox, Golding & Daiches, 2012). Good moral values guide me to control expressing my emotions to any other person except in the circumstance when in depression. I have spent some time without expressing my emotions. It was last during a session when I was given an opportunity to represent my institutions in competition and was ranked the best; it was a moment of great joy for my life. I felt like it was like a turning point my

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Army Nurse Corps Essay Example for Free

Army Nurse Corps Essay All women in the Army served then in either the Army Nurse Corps or the Women’s Army Corps (WAC). All Army nurses were officers, and were Direct Commissions. That is, they became nurses first and then attended a ten day or so Orientation Course at (Ft. Sam Houston, Texas) to teach them how to be officers, the rudiments of military life, who to salute and when, etc. (There were a small number of male nurses who went through the same program. ) Nurses were assigned to Army hospitals, both Stateside and overseas, and were billeted separately from male officers. In Vietnam, Army nurses served exclusively in rear-area hospitals at major bases. The Women’s Army Corps (WAC) provided all Army female enlisted personnel and also had its own officers. Most WAC officers exclusively administered WAC units, but a handful received assignments to staff positions and other rear-echelon duties. In Vietnam, enlisted WACs performed mostly clerical duties, although some worked as medical technicians. Whatever their duty assignments, all enlisted women, on any base, even in the States, were billeted together as a single WAC Company in a guarded compound. (WAC officers had separate quarters, of course. ) Within this compound, in their barracks, WACs pulled their own guard, armed with baseball bats and whistles. (Neither WACs or nurses were issued weapons, and even those sent to Vietnam had only rudimentary firearms training. ) One tiny WAC unit (peak strength, 20 officers and 139 enlisted women) was assigned to Saigon, and nowhere else in-country. No WACs, even medical personnel, got any closer to combat than this. Eight US servicewomen died in Vietnam. Of these, four Army nurses and an Air Force flight nurse were killed in three separate, non-combat, plane crashes, and another died from disease. An older nurse died of a stroke. Only one woman, Army 1LT Sharon Ann Lane, was actually killed in a combat action, in a VC rocket attack on Chu Lai, in 1969. Besides nurses and WACs other American women would also go to Vietnam. TOD and China Beach covered most of the categories. American Red Cross girls, entertainers, civilian employees of the US government or contracting firms, newspaper correspondents, Christian missionaries, that about covers it. ARC girls made brief daylight visits (a few hours) to advance bases. The rest had rear-area jobs. (Christian missionaries were usually older, married women. ) American civilian women lived in major Vietnamese cities, which were off-limits to US troops, the exception being Saigon. Any women billeted on US bases also lived in guarded compounds. † Susan O’Neill served as an Army nurse in Vietnam from 1969 to 1970. â€Å"Don’t Mean Nothing† is her first book, written nearly thirty years after the experiences it depicts. O’Neill tells us that, (O’Neill, p. 15) â€Å"Before I went, I just assumed that war would involve injury and death; thats why I was being sent there, after all. But its one thing to look at it from a distance, and form neat mental pictures. Once you step through the looking glass, as it were, into the reality of itonce your sneakers are full of somebody elses bloodyou look at the whole thing quite differently. The bloods no longer a metaphor; it goes through to your socks and into the skin of your feet. Into your soul. † O’Neill gives us a clearer definition of what Vietnam was truly like. She offers that it wasn’t a place where you played around because people’s lives were at stake. The author goes on to tell us that, â€Å"Back in the states, when I so glibly thought I knew what Vietnam and war, in general, was about, I had opposed it on some cool-headed philosophical basis, from some distant notion of empathy. Gradually, in Vietnam, I became horrified at how callow my ideas had been.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Psychology and Christianity Essay Example for Free

Psychology and Christianity Essay An integrative approaches to Psychology and Christianity by David Entwistle explains the fundamental question whether Christians can take a place in psychology. By marrying both scientific and theological disciplines, the author takes a stand to argue that psychology and Christianity can help an individual to serve the Lord within the parameters of duty to love. In this book, Entwistle gives a concise understanding for the interplay between theology and science by taking us through the historical analysis of psychology and how it explains how individuals have their characteristics, qualities and talents which help them serve God and society (p 35-37). Arguably, a person cannot be an effective psychologist without the basis of what is right with is captured in Christianity as a moral concept. With regard to these, our society is shaped by history as well as environment. The knowledge we acquire throughout our existence is inspired by our past experiences. Significantly, Christianity has facilitated how we structure our mindsets over various moral issues in the society. To bridge the gap between Christianity and psychology, Entwistle argues that there are five important paradigms that show the interplay between theology and psychology. This includes spies, enemies, neutral parties, colonialists as well as allies as elements serving ones master called sovereign (p39). The argument presented by Entwistle articulates the concept that psychology resembles theology in line with goals and serve fundamental human purposes of improving as well as giving meaning to the life of a human being. The two disciplines revolves around human functioning and nature hereby, an integrative approach to psychology and Christianity underscores that when it comes to dealing with human life and truth, there should be a unified approach that uses both secular and sacred elements of thinking. With regard to these, both psychology and Christianity need to be integrated because life at large revolves around helping others with issues that promote quality lives and harmony in the society. Critical and Concrete Responses After reading an integrated Approach to Psychology and Christianity, I was led to thinking that the understanding of God and psychology relates coherently to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. I agree with the argument because my experiences in the past have acquired as a result of my environment and needs as a human being which moves closer to the relevance of psychology in the life of human beings. Similarly, the feeling of self-actualization is realized through a Christian’s association with God through divine moment of prayer, fellowship and engagement in charitable works because the Bible stipulates that such gestures will grant one an eternal life. On the same note, psychology understands that self actualization is a need that must be met after all the other seven basics ones have been met. Entwistle asserts that both eternal life and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs portend single ideas of achieving in life and feeling the sense of achievement. The truth revealed in the word of God and the various works of Jesus Christ as well as the Christian ministry is something that is characterized in my life. Arguably, life revolves around all these and it is somehow impossible to separate it from life in a Christian perspective. Equally, my life experiences have led me to conclude that certain things in life should be done in my own way. Accordingly, there are many times I have learnt from my experience and have faced many consequences as a result of my choices. In view of this, Entwistle asserts that doing things the way we want articulate the psychological belief of emotions, socialization, intelligence and human needs. However, this argument raises the question of conflicting forces between our beliefs and human desires. As Christianity stipulates how we should behave in line with morality, psychology justifies why we must attend to our human desires. As such, an integration approach to life should cover both Christian teachings and the sentiments echoed by psychologists (pg 59-63). I was a temperamental person who for years reprimanded people for wronging me. Although I justified my case by arguing that I respect my feelings and that is me, God called upon me to change my temperament by managing anger so that I can accommodate others. God’s intervention in this case harmonized how I lead my life because; I was able to strike a balance between my religious beliefs and human desires. Most significantly, managing a balance, or rather moving my hot tempers to reasonable levels necessitated the intervention of counseling services. Accordingly, I embarked on regular counseling with gave me an insight on how to understand other and tune my emotions to the levels that accommodate others feelings. This way, the book an integrated approach to psychology and Christianity, underscores the importance o integrate theology and psychology. Somehow, psychology helps Christians to understand their human face and through services such as psychotherapy, counseling, a Christian will be able to moderate the psyche of the soul as well as the soul of psychology. Personal Reflection Although Entwistle advocates for s linkage in the two disciplines and goes ahead to propose that Christians should integrate science theology in viewing issues of life, it becomes critical to the Christians because one question that is raised is how can Christians be motivated to use psychotherapy and counseling services as a way of integrating psychology and Christianity. Entwistle asserts that moral concepts of live are well explained in Christian doctrines and through psychology, such moral doctrines can be well explained and a Christian will consciously understand the essence of being a Christian. However, the book fails to recommend how counseling can be promoted and how psychotherapy and other psychological services can be enshrined in the Christian education. Accordingly, the question of how we as Christians should accomplish the goal of promoting the integration of science to theology takes the center stage of the entire debate that Entwistle engages in concerning reaping the full benefits of integrating psychology and Christianity. Arguably, Entwistle uses words that further complicate the message of integrative approach to psychology and Christianity. In essence, this makes it difficult for an average reader to appreciate the information being conveyed let alone retention. In addition, it plausible to note that as a reader I found it hard to grasp the interests as well as concept of integrating psychology and Christianity because of the fact that the book is written broad view hence it seems to argue in circles around the importance of using both psychology and Christians teaching. Recommended Action Owing to this weakness of language and jumping around ideas, there are measures that can be taken to help us benefit from the Christian psychological integration. Advising others on how to benefit from counseling will form the fundamental action that spearhead the campaign for integrating Christianity and psychology. In this view, sharing some of my experiences with regard to how I have benefited from counseling to succeed in my Christian faith and life at large will work in helping in the whole initiative of promoting such kind of integration. If possible, all counselors who happen to be Christians should uses their positions to root the belief of integrating Christianity and psychology into other Christians and equally work with other counselors to devise methods of overcoming challenges that may come with their initiatives. At the same time, the basis of my intervention will revolve around moral maturity. As such, it is recommended that encourage Christians to search for the truth and thus understand for themselves how best they can use psychology to succeed in their lives and Christian works. In a nutshell, Entwistle espouses that it is only through a concise integration of both science and theology that Christians will embrace the concept of togetherness. In other words, they will understand how humans functions and thus structure their spiritual beliefs in a realist way to avoid the self conflict that is always inherent among many believers. Psychology signifies the many teachings that are typical to Christianity such as values. Reference Entwistle, D. (2004). Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christian. New York: Wipf Stock Publishers

Friday, September 20, 2019

Pros and Cons of Tidal Energy

Pros and Cons of Tidal Energy As the worlds energy crisis progresses, renewable energy sources like tidal power are being explored. Tides, the rise and fall of sea levels, are created by changes in the gravitational forces of the sun and moon as well as the earths rotation. Tidal Energy is generated by converting gravitational potential energy of high tides into hydroelectricity. Most ocean environments experience two high tides and two low tides everyday. There are three main ways to harness tidal energy, each with their own pros and cons. The first method of tidal energy generation is the tidal stream generator, the second is the tidal barrage and lastly there is dynamic tidal power. Tidal energy is not yet widely used but many people believe that it has great potential for future energy generation. This paper will examine the environmental effects of the different methods. The concept behind the tidal stream generator method is very similar to that of an underwater windmill; as the tide flows in and out of a bay it spins an underwater turbine which generates power. Tides move slowly, but because water is much denser than air, it can move much slower while providing the same power. The environmental benefits of this technology are numerous. Tides are always either flowing in or out allowing tidal stream generators to supply constant, consistent and emission free power. This is a benefit over other the other methods of tidal generation that can only generate power when the tide moves in a specific direction. Also, tidal stream generators are much, much cheaper than other methods of tidal generation allowing them to be easily implemented and tested. Although very few studies have been done, it would seem fish avoid the turbines used in tidal stream generators resulting in almost no aquatic fatalities. This means tidal stream generators have no known impacts on the surrounding ecosystem. There are not many environmental disadvantages to tidal stream generators. The turbines may cause some minor disruption to aquatic animals, but this is yet to be proven. The only environmental damaging aspect of this technology would be the work involved with maintaining and installing the underwater turbines. However, as a relatively unknown source of power, there is much of time for improvements. The tidal barrage is a large dam-like structure built at the mouth of a bay, stream, or estuary which experiences a large tidal range. It allows water to flow into the basin through the sluice gates during high-tide and during low tide releases the water through turbines. Turbines trap the energy from the movement of water in and out of the basin. This method of collecting energy has many environmental benefits. Firstly, because tides come twice a day, a tidal barrage will supply predictable, consistent and emission free power. This method is able to collect more energy than tidal stream generators because it essentially converts the potential gravitational energy of the tidal range in an entire region into electricity. Although barrages are expensive to build, they can be conveniently built under existing bridges. This reduces cost and some impact on the natural surroundings. There are, however, many environmental concerns with this kind of operation. Barrages have a great effect on the surrounding ecosystem. One of the main problems with the construction of a tidal barrage is it can halt the flow of saltwater into and out of estuaries. This can negatively affect the resident marine life. Also, migrating fish are only able to pass through the sluice gates as the basin fills with water. When the gates close, the fish will swim through the turbines. Currently even the safest designed turbines kill fifteen percent of the fish that pass through. This can have a signification effect on the fish population. Finally, tidal barrages block sediment movement. This can causes an accumulation of sediment around and in the barrage which could impair its functionality. Also, by blocking sediment movement it decreases the turbidity in the basin allowing for an increase in phytoplankton which effects the food chain of the ecosystem. Lastly there is dynamic tidal power, a promising new idea with great potential. A large barrier, perpendicular to the coast, is built out from the shore and an adjoining barrier is built along the far end of the first barrier making a â€Å"T† shape. This barrier blocks the acceleration of the tides parallel to the coast creating a difference in the water levels on each side of the barrier. A series of turbines installed in the dam can convert the potential energy of the higher water into electricity. The main difference between this source of tidal generation and the others is that to be economically viable it must be over 30 km in length. This is because the power output is proportional to the square of the dam length. The idea was proposed by Dutch coastal engineers Kees Hulsbergen and Rob Steijn. It has only been tested in computer simulations. Dynamic tidal power like the other types of tidal generation is emission free and resource independent. The environmental benefits of this method over the others boil down to the huge amount of energy that can potentially be generated in coastal regions. Even though it must be built on such a large scale, simulations project that it could potentially generate and 8GW of installed capacity which is thirty percent more power than the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station. If two are built around 200km apart an almost constant stream of power can be generated. Also beneficial is that the dams dont require a naturally high tidal range like both tidal barrages and stream generators. So countries like China, Korea, and the United Kingdom could potentially generate huge amounts of power. It is estimated China alone could generate over 100 GW of power. The environmental risks of dynamic tidal power is mostly in the construction of such a large structure. The building of something so massive wastes a lot of fossil fuels. Also, a barrier of that size could disrupt migration patterns of aquatic animals. Although as the barrier does not seal anything off sea creatures can always swim around. Each method has its own benefits and detriments. Tidal Stream power although not harming to the environment returns the least power, tidal barrages have the capability for large scale power generation they can hurt the ecosystem they are uses in, and dynamic tidal power which can be used to generate large amounts of power in many coastal locations is very very costly to implement and has never been tested. One method does not replace the other as they all are operate in different conditions. Development of this new technology is important and must be continued.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

roseanne And The Kiss :: essays research papers

Roseanne and The Kiss   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This past winter break, myself and one of my best friends were driving down one of the main roads in our home town of Elmira, New York. I happened to look up at a billboard that was on the side of the road, and saw a sign that read something like: â€Å"Be safe, be smart, be protected.† I thought to myself (immediately) â€Å"well, that's a big improvement from a few years ago when condom ads weren't even allowed on television.† Then I noticed, it had the gay symbols of the upside down pink triangle, and the symbols of two men and two women together. My first thought was â€Å"why is this necessary† then I mentioned that to my friend. He didn't notice, but we both kind of laughed and agreed that why does it have to be gay people that need to protect themselves? We (straight people) are just as much at risk--what was the point? The point is, that it has become mainstream and accepted to be gay in this society now, so they can do that. Only three years ago, however, it was a bit different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Roseanne† helped to set a trend in society that has made it more acceptable to be gay in the media. From the billboard I saw, to Roseanne's now (in)famous kiss with another woman. Roseanne has contributed to this trend immensely with her television sitcom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To begin with, the series Roseanne has had gay characters on it for a long time. Roseanne's boss Leon was gay, and after â€Å"the kiss† his role on the show became more outspoken as he got married to his lover in the season after Roseanne kissed another woman.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the 1994, Roseanne had a homosexual encounter with another woman played by Mariel Hemingway in a gay bar. The episode was entitled â€Å"Don't ask, Don't tell† seemingly making light of Bill Clinton's policy of gays in the military. The plot of this episode is, that Roseanne goes into a gay bar with her bisexual friend Nancy, played by outspoken bisexual actress Sandra Bernhard. Roseanne dances with Nancy's new girlfriend Sharon (Hemmingway). The situation is uncomfortable to Roseanne's sister Jackie who also went with them, but Roseanne has a great time. After dancing with Sharon, the two sit down to chat, one thing leads to another and Roseanne makes a joke which is misinterpreted by Sharon, and she kisses Roseanne. The rest of the episode deals with Roseanne's discomfort with the kiss.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The episode was finally aired, but it went through a lot of trouble to do so.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cyber Terrorism Essay -- Internet Web Cyberspace Terror Essays

Cyber Terrorism Thus far we have scratched the surface of the ever-perplexing problem of terrorism. As it has evolved those in the position of countering it have also gained some valuable experience. Even with this knowledge it is very difficult, bordering on impossible to prevent terrorist acts from occurring. In the recent past there has been an extra element added to this confusing and dangerous equation, the Internet and other computer capabilities. Cyber-terrorism is a realistic possibility but is it as detrimental as other forms of conventional terrorism such as a car bomb? I will argue that the implications of a cyber attack could be just as harmful. Traditionally terrorist acts target a specific locale and are executed precisely in this spot. This has been a limit of the damage inflicted upon those the perpetrator hopes to influence and the general public. This playing field has grown enormously to what could be conceived as boundless proportions. "Individuals or groups can now use Cyberspace to threaten International governments, or terrorize the citizens of a country" ( The creation of a boundless area of attack makes it that much harder to determine where an act will be taken. Since it is easy to figure out that for cyber-terrorism to occur computers need to be accessible to the groups or individuals committing acts, why not restrict who can use computers? This has actually been considered but would be rather difficult to do in today's world. "Increasingly, America depends on computers'? (Cyberterrorism~ Fact or Fantasy?). We are not alone in this dependency, more and more of global business and personal activities are conducted via the Internet. This in itself indicates a major difference... ...ding civilian officials are aware of the possibility of organized cyber-attacks and have aligned themselves to work toward ensuring computer safety. Even though there are efforts being made to address the possibility of a computer disaster it will more than likely happen anyway. Cyber-terrorism, the wave of the future, is potentially much more harmful than anything we have seen before. Works Cited Cyberterrorism. www. cybercrimes .net. Online. 3 March 2002. Desmond, Paul. â€Å"Thwarting Cyberterrorism.† Network World 18 February 2002: Proquest. Online. 4 March 2002. Groves, Shanna. â€Å"The War on Terrorism: Cyberterrorists Beware.† Information Management Journal Jan/Feb 2002: Proquest. Online. 4 March 2002. Pollitt, Mark M. â€Å"Cyberterrorism- Fact or Fantasy?† FBI Laboratory: www. Online. 3 March 2002.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Austrian School Cost Essay

Our behaviors and decisions in our daily lives are affected by economics. When making decisions, we will use economic theories either consciously or subconscious to decide if we will make or reject that decision. The same can also be used to explain our actions and behaviors when making an economic decision to purchase a house. This paper will evaluate how economics affect one’s decision to purchase a new house. First, the decision to purchase a new house is considered a large and important decision by many. This is because the prices of houses are usually very high, and thus purchasing a new house will greatly deplete the savings of an individual. The demand of houses is highly price elastic. Economic theories state that the larger the proportion of income a certain purchase requires, the more price elastic the demand will be. In the case of the purchase of a new house, it will require the spending of a large proportion of an average person’s income, hence this will greatly lower the purchasing power of the individual when the decision is made to purchase the house. Furthermore, buying a new house will require people to shift from a familiar environment to a less familiar environment and this can be a life-changing experience which may be scary to some. Hence, these are all factors which make the purchase of a new house a very difficult decision to make. There are various principles of economics that can be applied to a decision to purchase a new house. First, one of the principles will be that of trade-offs which people have to face. Every decision comes at a cost. In this case, the decision to purchase a new house will deplete people of a large proportion of their savings. The tradeoffs which they face will be alternatives which they get to enjoy with the same amount of money. For example, the same amount of money spent on a new house can be used on sending a child to university, going on a long holiday or purchasing a new vehicle. I have to remember even though the APR’s may be low and I have my down payment or even if I am using HUD as a first time buyer to eliminate closing cost or no fees at all there may still be one depending on my situation. Purchasing a new home is a big step not only the financial part of if but also the area I chose and the economy at this point and time. I must think ahead to how the economy will be now and later, as well as the housing area I chose. Will the neighborhood be a good choice for my kids, and will my house be a smart investment in terms of efficiency and equity? I need to determine if a recession will place my decision in purchasing a home the wrong time to buy. A recession could cause job lose and no income to pay my mortgage or even placing me in default to take out a loan on my home. Taking a loan on my home to make ends meet would cause me to pay double for my home and never actually own it. Tradeoffs are important when purchasing a new home because you have to be willing to give up miscellaneous items to get where u want to be, extra expenses are not a good idea when purchasing a new home.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Events in Czechoslovakia in 1938-1939 Essay

Ultimately, the events in Czechoslovakia in 1938-1939 played a major role in contributing to the outbreak of world war 2 as it ended the appeasement policy and led to Britain’s realization that war was the only solution. However, the nazi soviet pact is also a factor as it gave germany the confidence to invade Poland, a move that guaranteed war. After the anschluss, Czechoslovakia was next on hitler’s list of expansion. The Czech government felt threatened, and sought support from Britain and france should Hitler invade Czechoslovakia, and both Britain and france felt bound to help them. On 15 september 1938, Hitler told chamberlain that he would risk war to bring the Sudeten germans into germany. Chamberlain found his demands reasonable, and decided that areas in which more than half the population was germans should be handed over to Hitler. However on 22 sep Hitler stepped his demands and asked for the whole of Sudetenland. Originally, chamberlain rejected his demands. Eventually, in an attempt to avoid war, he, along with Mussolini and the prime minister of france decided that Sudetenland would be given to germany. This was known as the munich agreement (29 sep). Czechoslovakia was not consulted, and it had felt betrayed. Following that, Hitler then assured chamberlain that he had no further claims in Europe. However, in march 1939, Hitler took over the rest of Czechoslovakia, showing that he could not be trusted. Following that, Britain and france both abandoned the appeasement policy and announced that it would declare war on germany in event that Hitler invaded Poland. However, the nazi soviet pact was also an extremely important factor as it enabled Hitler to avoid a two frontwar, and allowed him to continue to provoke the western countries as stalin now secured his eastern border. Hence, Hitler could now channel all his resources to fighting the western front. Hitler learnt 2 important lessons from the First World War. Firstly, the importance of the involvement of Russia if a Slavic nation was attacked and next the strain of having to fight a war on two fronts. Therefore, the nazi soviet pact was signed on 23 august 1939 where communist Russia agreed to remain neutral if Poland was attacked. It also contained a secret protocol whereby germany and Russia agreed to carve up Poland between them, with germany getting the western parts and Russia getting the eastern parts along with Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. With this, Hitler felt assured and proceeded to attack Poland, which unleashed the second world war. In analysis, the events in Czechoslovakia played an extremely significant role in contributing to the outbreak of war in 1939 as compared to the signing of the nazi soviet pact. The events in Czechoslovakia had laid the foundation for the outbreak of war, and it was after the invasion of Czech that led to Britain’s realization that hitler’s aims went way further than merely just redressing the wrongs of the Treaty of Versailles. It showed that Hitler aimed to dominate central Eastern Europe and British knew that war was the only solution in stopping him. Furthermore, the invasion of Czechoslovakia was so unjust that it gave Britain the high moral ground to â€Å"defend the right† without regard to self-interest. This was the point when Britain and France announced that they would declare war on Hitler were he to invade Poland. Although the nazi soviet pact did play a small role, it merely acted as the trigger for the invasion of Poland. Hitler’s invasion of Poland was inevitable, and the pact merely sped up the process. Rather, the decision of Britain and france to abandon appeasement and to defend Poland was made after the events in Czechoslovakia is 1938-1939, thus making it more crucial.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Beowulf and The Modern Day Hero Essay

A hero does something for the greater good of mankind. A hero is courageous and brave in any situation. Beowulf and Irena Sendler a social worker who smuggled over 2,500 Jewish out of harms way put their lives on the line to protect their mankind. While each warriors have their differences both believe in courage and triumphing over evil. In his final battle Beowulf goes up against a dragon that take a whole army to defeat. Caught up in his courageous high Beowulf does not realize the feat that lies ahead of him. Beowulf describes, â€Å"scant regard for the dragon as a threat, no dread at all of its courage or strength, for he kept going often in the past† (2348-2351). Beowulf is caught up in his past glories blinding him from the actualization of how dangerous the dragon is. Being courageous means one knows their limits. Irena Sendler knew that she could not act alone in rescuing over 2,500 innocent children. Ambulance drivers would transport children under the floorboards w hile police officers would be bribed to allow traffic through an underground corridor. Unlike Beowulf Irena knew that she needed help to sneak past the giant Nazi regime to rescue thousands of Jewish children. is not caught up in being labeled as a hero for risking her life to save over 2,500 innocent children. Beowulf states, â€Å"I have wrestled the hilt from the enemies’ hand, avenged the evil done to the Danes; it is what was due† (1668-1670) Beowulf fights for justice and to avenge those who have done wrong. By fighting for your beliefs Beowulf displays that you cannot terrorize without repercussions. In 1943 the Nazi party commenced a liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto. Irena believes, â€Å"Every child saved with my help and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who today are no longer living, is the justification of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory.† Irena did not want the title of glory she only fought for her beliefs in a non-violent manner. Unlike Beowulf she did not need to go out and avenge the Nazis for their vile acts towards humanity. A hero is brave and will put their lives on the line to protect mankind. Beowulf and a Irena are courageous no matter how daunting each of their tasks were. A hero stands up for the greater good of people when he witnesses mankind being threatened. While a hero comes in all different ways both possess the same qualities. MLA Format HEVESI, DENNIS. â€Å"Irena Sendler, Lifeline to Young Jews, Is Dead at 98.†, 13 May 2008. Web.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Question 1) With examples give 5 reasons why the study of microeconomics is important. Microeconomics is a field of economic study that focuses on how an individual's behaviour and decisions affect the supply and demand for goods and services. For the purpose of microeconomics, the actions of individuals, households and businesses are crucial, unlike the study of macroeconomics, which focuses on national and international economic trends. Despite the differences between the two fields, however, micro-level trends and the study of microeconomics are considered the basis of modern macroeconomics.Macroeconomics is concerned with the big picture, for example, the national economy and gross domestic product. By contrast, microeconomics is concerned with the small picture and focuses on theories of supply and demand. Firstly, microeconomics is very important in business, especially when it comes to a new business. Entrepreneurs create businesses by purchasing and utilizing factors of produ ction. In order to estimate the potential return on investment (ROI) of those factors of production, entrepreneurs must have a basic knowledge of microeconomic concepts such as supply, demand, cost and profit.Without the basics of microeconomics, it is impossible to know how much a particular good can be sold for in a particular area. Furthermore, without microeconomic basics on costs and earnings, it is impossible to estimate ROI, thus will lead to poor financial investments. Microeconomics is very useful in business decision making. It helps business to achieve maximum production with the given amount of resources. Business firms can make decisions in demand analysis, cost analysis and methods of calculating prices.Second, marketing people must have a basic understanding of microeconomics so that they can set prices for products and decide in which markets to sell those products. For example, with an understanding of microeconomics, a computer company marketing manager can advise the CEO to start allowing instalment payments in case of an economic downturn, thus recovering business from customers hit hard by the recession. A marketing manager without a sense of economics might not realize that such options are available. Third, microeconomics is important when it comes to management.Managers must understand the concept of return on investment (ROI) when setting salaries for new hires, as employees are supposed to generate profits for the company. Managers must also have an understanding of microeconomics when making general budget decisions. A project shouldn't be given a budget that exceeds what the project is expected to produce in future earnings. These kinds of decisions are based on the microeconomic concepts of cost, revenue and profit. Fourth, Finance and Accounting also requires the understandings of microeconomics.Finance people probably use microeconomics more than anyone else in business. Financial analysts use microeconomic and macroeconomic theo ries in order to forecast the future value of financial assets. For example, gold, stocks, bonds and other investments. A securities analyst might use microeconomic data to determine the change in income of people in a given country, then use the microeconomic concept of â€Å"price elasticity of demand† for the responsiveness of consumer demand to changes in consumer income and to determine whether the price of a given asset will rise or fall in that country.Accountants use financial ratios that are derived from microeconomics. Lastly, the understanding of microeconomic is needed to provide tools for economic policies. Microeconomic helps to impose tax rates by analyzing the demand and supply factors. It also helps to determine the government policies on the resource allocation and pricing. Government also make policies to control the prices of goods by using the theory of price ceiling and price floor. By understanding microeconomics, we can examine the implications and eff ectiveness of the government policies. Question 2) Define â€Å"ceteris paribus â€Å".Explain why the device of ceteris paribus is so important in economics. Ceteris Paribus is a Latin phrase that translates approximately to â€Å"holding other things constant† and is usually rendered in English as â€Å"all other things being equal†. In Economics the term â€Å"Ceteris Paribus† is used quite often to assume all other factors to remain the same, while analysing the relationship between any two variables. For example, when discussing the laws of supply and demand, one could say that if demand for a given product outweighs supply, ceteris paribus, prices will rise.Here, the use of â€Å"ceteris paribus† is simply saying that as long as all other factors that could affect the outcome such as the existence of a substitute product remain constant, prices will increase in this situation. One of the disciplines in which ceteris paribus are most widely used is economics, in which they are employed to simplify the formulation and description of economic outcomes and the theoretical relationship of cause and effect. When using ceteris paribus in economics, assume all other variables except those under immediate consideration are held constant.For example, it can be predicted that if the price of beef increases, ceteris paribus, the quantity of beef demanded by buyers will decrease. In this example, the clause is used to operationally describe everything surrounding the relationship between both the price and the quantity demanded of an ordinary good. This operational description intentionally ignores both known and unknown factors that may also influence the relationship between price and quantity demanded, and thus to assume ceteris paribus is to assume away any interference with the given example.Such factors that would be intentionally ignored include the relative change in price of substitute goods like the price of beef vs. chicken, t he level of risk dislikes among buyers like the fear of mad cow disease, and the level of overall demand for a good regardless of its current price level like a societal shift toward vegetarianism. If we try to establish the relationship between demand and price, there may be other variables which may also influence demand besides price. The influence of other factors may invalidate the hypothesis that quantity demanded of a commodity is inversely related to its price.If rise in price takes place along with an increasing in income or a change technology, then the effect of price change may not be the same. However, the assumption that the other variables are unchanged will eliminate the interrupting influences of other variables. Ceteris Paribus is important in economics as it is an assumption which we are bound to make when there are complexities in the reality. It is necessary for the sake of convenience. The limitations of human intelligence and capacity compel us to make this as sumption.Besides, without the assumption we cannot reach on economic relations, sequences and conclusions. In fact, there are large numbers of variables interacting simultaneously at a given time. If our analysis has to be accurate we may have to examine two variables at a time which makes it inevitable to assume other variables to remain unchanged. For the ceteris paribus assumption, let’s take for example by assuming an economist examines a model explaining the relationship between the price and quantity purchased of Coca-Cola. The theory is â€Å"if the price increases, then the quantity of Coca-Cola decreases, ceteris paribus. Now assume the process of Coca-Cola was observed to increased one summer and some people actually bought more, not less. Based on this real-world observation, you would declare the theory is wrong but actually the economist responds that this is a reasoning pitfall because the model is valid based on the assumption of ceteris paribus, and your obse rvation gives no reason to reject the model. The reason the model appeared flawed is because another factor which is a sharp rise in the temperature. The rise in temperature caused people to buy more Coca-Cola in spite of its higher price.If the temperature and all other factors were held constant as the price of Coca-Cola rises, then people indeed would buy less Coca-Cola, as the model predicts. Therefore, the assumption that the other variables are unchanged will eliminate the interrupting influences of other variables. As a conclusion, ceteris paribus is important as it enhances our understandings towards the theoretical relationship of cause and effect as we can analyse the relationship between two variable without having any other variable influencing the results.The assumption of Ceteris Paribus eliminates the influence of other factors which may get in the way of establishing a scientific statement regarding the behaviour of economic variables. References Question 1 reference : Importance of microeconomics, http://www. slideshare. net/tribhuwan64/presentation-on-importance-of-microecon omics Importance of microeconomics, http://www. ehow. com/info_8301181_importance-microeconomics-business. html Question 2 reference: Microeconomics for Today, books. google. com. my/books? isbn=0538469447 Basic Tools in Economics, http://wikieducator. org/Basic_Tools_in_Economic_Analysis Microeconomics Question 1) With examples give 5 reasons why the study of microeconomics is important. Microeconomics is a field of economic study that focuses on how an individual's behaviour and decisions affect the supply and demand for goods and services. For the purpose of microeconomics, the actions of individuals, households and businesses are crucial, unlike the study of macroeconomics, which focuses on national and international economic trends. Despite the differences between the two fields, however, micro-level trends and the study of microeconomics are considered the basis of modern macroeconomics.Macroeconomics is concerned with the big picture, for example, the national economy and gross domestic product. By contrast, microeconomics is concerned with the small picture and focuses on theories of supply and demand. Firstly, microeconomics is very important in business, especially when it comes to a new business. Entrepreneurs create businesses by purchasing and utilizing factors of produ ction. In order to estimate the potential return on investment (ROI) of those factors of production, entrepreneurs must have a basic knowledge of microeconomic concepts such as supply, demand, cost and profit.Without the basics of microeconomics, it is impossible to know how much a particular good can be sold for in a particular area. Furthermore, without microeconomic basics on costs and earnings, it is impossible to estimate ROI, thus will lead to poor financial investments. Microeconomics is very useful in business decision making. It helps business to achieve maximum production with the given amount of resources. Business firms can make decisions in demand analysis, cost analysis and methods of calculating prices.Second, marketing people must have a basic understanding of microeconomics so that they can set prices for products and decide in which markets to sell those products. For example, with an understanding of microeconomics, a computer company marketing manager can advise the CEO to start allowing instalment payments in case of an economic downturn, thus recovering business from customers hit hard by the recession. A marketing manager without a sense of economics might not realize that such options are available. Third, microeconomics is important when it comes to management.Managers must understand the concept of return on investment (ROI) when setting salaries for new hires, as employees are supposed to generate profits for the company. Managers must also have an understanding of microeconomics when making general budget decisions. A project shouldn't be given a budget that exceeds what the project is expected to produce in future earnings. These kinds of decisions are based on the microeconomic concepts of cost, revenue and profit. Fourth, Finance and Accounting also requires the understandings of microeconomics.Finance people probably use microeconomics more than anyone else in business. Financial analysts use microeconomic and macroeconomic theo ries in order to forecast the future value of financial assets. For example, gold, stocks, bonds and other investments. A securities analyst might use microeconomic data to determine the change in income of people in a given country, then use the microeconomic concept of â€Å"price elasticity of demand† for the responsiveness of consumer demand to changes in consumer income and to determine whether the price of a given asset will rise or fall in that country.Accountants use financial ratios that are derived from microeconomics. Lastly, the understanding of microeconomic is needed to provide tools for economic policies. Microeconomic helps to impose tax rates by analyzing the demand and supply factors. It also helps to determine the government policies on the resource allocation and pricing. Government also make policies to control the prices of goods by using the theory of price ceiling and price floor. By understanding microeconomics, we can examine the implications and eff ectiveness of the government policies. Question 2) Define â€Å"ceteris paribus â€Å".Explain why the device of ceteris paribus is so important in economics. Ceteris Paribus is a Latin phrase that translates approximately to â€Å"holding other things constant† and is usually rendered in English as â€Å"all other things being equal†. In Economics the term â€Å"Ceteris Paribus† is used quite often to assume all other factors to remain the same, while analysing the relationship between any two variables. For example, when discussing the laws of supply and demand, one could say that if demand for a given product outweighs supply, ceteris paribus, prices will rise.Here, the use of â€Å"ceteris paribus† is simply saying that as long as all other factors that could affect the outcome such as the existence of a substitute product remain constant, prices will increase in this situation. One of the disciplines in which ceteris paribus are most widely used is economics, in which they are employed to simplify the formulation and description of economic outcomes and the theoretical relationship of cause and effect. When using ceteris paribus in economics, assume all other variables except those under immediate consideration are held constant.For example, it can be predicted that if the price of beef increases, ceteris paribus, the quantity of beef demanded by buyers will decrease. In this example, the clause is used to operationally describe everything surrounding the relationship between both the price and the quantity demanded of an ordinary good. This operational description intentionally ignores both known and unknown factors that may also influence the relationship between price and quantity demanded, and thus to assume ceteris paribus is to assume away any interference with the given example.Such factors that would be intentionally ignored include the relative change in price of substitute goods like the price of beef vs. chicken, t he level of risk dislikes among buyers like the fear of mad cow disease, and the level of overall demand for a good regardless of its current price level like a societal shift toward vegetarianism. If we try to establish the relationship between demand and price, there may be other variables which may also influence demand besides price. The influence of other factors may invalidate the hypothesis that quantity demanded of a commodity is inversely related to its price.If rise in price takes place along with an increasing in income or a change technology, then the effect of price change may not be the same. However, the assumption that the other variables are unchanged will eliminate the interrupting influences of other variables. Ceteris Paribus is important in economics as it is an assumption which we are bound to make when there are complexities in the reality. It is necessary for the sake of convenience. The limitations of human intelligence and capacity compel us to make this as sumption.Besides, without the assumption we cannot reach on economic relations, sequences and conclusions. In fact, there are large numbers of variables interacting simultaneously at a given time. If our analysis has to be accurate we may have to examine two variables at a time which makes it inevitable to assume other variables to remain unchanged. For the ceteris paribus assumption, let’s take for example by assuming an economist examines a model explaining the relationship between the price and quantity purchased of Coca-Cola. The theory is â€Å"if the price increases, then the quantity of Coca-Cola decreases, ceteris paribus. Now assume the process of Coca-Cola was observed to increased one summer and some people actually bought more, not less. Based on this real-world observation, you would declare the theory is wrong but actually the economist responds that this is a reasoning pitfall because the model is valid based on the assumption of ceteris paribus, and your obse rvation gives no reason to reject the model. The reason the model appeared flawed is because another factor which is a sharp rise in the temperature. The rise in temperature caused people to buy more Coca-Cola in spite of its higher price.If the temperature and all other factors were held constant as the price of Coca-Cola rises, then people indeed would buy less Coca-Cola, as the model predicts. Therefore, the assumption that the other variables are unchanged will eliminate the interrupting influences of other variables. As a conclusion, ceteris paribus is important as it enhances our understandings towards the theoretical relationship of cause and effect as we can analyse the relationship between two variable without having any other variable influencing the results.The assumption of Ceteris Paribus eliminates the influence of other factors which may get in the way of establishing a scientific statement regarding the behaviour of economic variables. References Question 1 reference : Importance of microeconomics, http://www. slideshare. net/tribhuwan64/presentation-on-importance-of-microecon omics Importance of microeconomics, http://www. ehow. com/info_8301181_importance-microeconomics-business. html Question 2 reference: Microeconomics for Today, books. google. com. my/books? isbn=0538469447 Basic Tools in Economics, http://wikieducator. org/Basic_Tools_in_Economic_Analysis

A Study On Communicative Teaching Education Essay

Finally, when we learn to pass on utilizing our mark linguistic communication we do it of course because we are involved in a context that uses this linguistic communication so we get used to talk it in a short clip non by larning grammatical regulations but, as Nunan expresses we learn a linguistic communication â€Å" as a dynamic resource for the creative activity of intending†¦ we need to separate between cognizing assorted grammatical regulations and being able to utilize the regulations efficaciously and suitably when pass oning † . ( 1989 ) When we want to larn a new linguistic communication different from the mark one there are many methods or attacks that we can utilize, all of them for the same intent: Communicate. The communicative instruction attack arises from the dissatisfaction of many pedagogues that are non happy with the audio-lingual method because grammar is difficult to larn and pupils get bored in category because they do n’t happen the existent public-service corporation of the new linguistic communication. Since the pupils were larning how to construct a perfect sentence they did n’t hold the opportunity to pattern existent communicating. This method focuses more on the purpose of communicate and less in the perfect manner to talk because the pupils have to happen one manner or another to show what they want to state. This attack uses activities that simulate existent life state of affairss and encourages the pupil to pattern the new linguistic communication speech production it and happening the manner to give significance to their words without the necessity of a perfect grammar. In these activities the pupils can work in braces or groups where they can happen feedback from their schoolmates so they feel less afraid because they find themselves in a friendly context. These activities are more interesting for the pupils because they can utilize their ain thoughts and they do n’t hold to interpret or reiterate words to larn, so they keep motivated. They can take the manner to show their thoughts based on the individual who is listening to them and besides on the context that they are working in. Besides this method is good for the instructor because there is more flexibleness to do activities that seem more like a game giving pupils a relaxed and merriment environment where they can happen replies from their couples. Besides, the appraisal of the pupils is based in measure up the ability to pass on in a right manner. A communicative schoolroom is really noisy because the pupils have to be involved in activities where they can talk and listen to their schoolmates. Besides, they can work stand up and they can be traveling so the category is non deadening. Therefore, they gain assurance and they feel comfy talking the new linguistic communication. The pupils have the duty of their ain acquisition and the instructor acts more like a usher and an perceiver. The communicative method is based on several rules. One of the most used list of rules is David Nunan ‘s ( 1991 ) which describes that: It puts accent in the communicating in the foreign linguistic communication across the interaction. It introduces existent texts in the state of affairs of acquisition. It offers chances to the students to believe about the acquisition procedure and non merely about the linguistic communication. It gives importance to the pupils ‘ personal experiences as elements that they contribute to the acquisition of the schoolroom. It tries to associate the linguistic communication learned in the schoolroom with activities realized out of it. Therefore, the pupils are larning like in the existent life from their experiences and besides from the experiences and feedback from their schoolmates. Besides, they are larning to utilize the linguistic communication in simulations of day-to-day state of affairss, so they are acquiring accomplishments to public presentation in a societal and cultural existent context utilizing a normal linguistic communication non a perfect one like the one used in books. The pupils besides learn to hold coherency when they are talking to do their sentences apprehensible and meaningful. In this sort of schoolroom the pupils work in braces or groups so they can be able to better their interaction whit other people imitating a existent state of affairs holding an interaction that allows them to negociate an discuss uncertainties. Is of import the uninterrupted usage of the mark linguistic communication, here is where the instructor acts as a proctor oversing that the pupils do n’t talk in thei r native linguistic communication in order to hold a existent pattern during the activities. The pupils does n’t hold to act in a specific manner, when a error happens the pupils are non punished, alternatively of that the instructor raters to honor the eloquence and good pronunciation. Besides, in some activities the pupils are free to take what to state and they besides can take the easiest manner to state it. Thus the pupil can develop schemes to larn and measure by themselves. Another of import point is that the pupils have the opportunity to show their feelings and emotions so they feel comfy in category because they feel they are doing an of import part for the acquisition procedure. This method uses an effort to animate the existent communicating but is non precisely the same. It ‘s of import that the pupils use what they learn in schoolroom when they are out of it. In other methods the chief purpose of acquisition is translate words and sentences and larn a perfect grammar that sometimes is sort of useless in existent life, is better to larn how to believe in the new linguistic communication so the pupils do n’t hold to interpret before speak, losing clip and eloquence. At the terminal, the significance is what matters the most. In other words what is of import is the content of the sentence, non the manner to state it. The chief technique in this method is to do activities that promote communicating between spouses. It ‘s of import to hold a desire of communicating doing inquiries and giving replies to advance duologue holding a ground or a subject to speak about. The instructor can put the subject or give the pupils freedom to take it, therefore the pupils have a communicative intent. Sometimes activities in the communicative schoolroom can look unreal because pupils are merely conceive ofing state of affairss and besides because the instructor is largely of the clip following to them which non occurs in existent state of affairss. To avoid this disadvantage, the instructor can seek to utilize more existent stuff like magazines, books, games, etc. I think that this method can be used in a learner-centered schoolroom where the most of import individual is the pupil and all the activities are focused to better the public presentation of the scholar acquiring near to existent life state of affairss. In my personal experience as pupil I have had the opportunity to experiment communicative activities and I truly like them because small by small I ‘m less afraid to talk and to do errors because if I ‘m incorrect normally I have feedback from my schoolmates or from my instructor. Besides this method makes me experience more interested in the new linguistic communication, English in this instance because I like to utilize it non merely in the schoolroom but in my existent life. I would wish to utilize this method in my categories to do them more merriment and interesting and besides to make a friendly environment with my pupils. Mentions: Wikipedia ( 2009 ) Metodo Comunicativo [ Website ] Available from: A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // % C3 % A9todo_comunicativo gt ; [ December 2009 ] Nunan, David. ( 1991 ) . Planing undertakings for the communicative schoolroom. Cambridge Language Teaching Library [ Online Book ] Available from: A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // id=NSlMZp9XkHoC A ; dq=david+nunan % 2Bcommunicative+teaching A ; lr= A ; source=gbs_navlinks_s gt ; [ December 2009 ] Harmer, Jeremy ( 1991 ) The pattern of English Language Teaching. Longman.Longman Printing New York. Hedge, Tricia ( 2000 ) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Oxford University Press Library [ Online Book ] Available from: A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // id=VG8NuoGgKJYC A ; dq=hedge+tricia A ; lr= gt ; [ December 2009 ] A Study On Communicative Teaching Education Essay Finally, when we learn to pass on utilizing our mark linguistic communication we do it of course because we are involved in a context that uses this linguistic communication so we get used to talk it in a short clip non by larning grammatical regulations but, as Nunan expresses we learn a linguistic communication â€Å" as a dynamic resource for the creative activity of intending†¦ we need to separate between cognizing assorted grammatical regulations and being able to utilize the regulations efficaciously and suitably when pass oning † . ( 1989 ) When we want to larn a new linguistic communication different from the mark one there are many methods or attacks that we can utilize, all of them for the same intent: Communicate. The communicative instruction attack arises from the dissatisfaction of many pedagogues that are non happy with the audio-lingual method because grammar is difficult to larn and pupils get bored in category because they do n’t happen the existent public-service corporation of the new linguistic communication. Since the pupils were larning how to construct a perfect sentence they did n’t hold the opportunity to pattern existent communicating. This method focuses more on the purpose of communicate and less in the perfect manner to talk because the pupils have to happen one manner or another to show what they want to state. This attack uses activities that simulate existent life state of affairss and encourages the pupil to pattern the new linguistic communication speech production it and happening the manner to give significance to their words without the necessity of a perfect grammar. In these activities the pupils can work in braces or groups where they can happen feedback from their schoolmates so they feel less afraid because they find themselves in a friendly context. These activities are more interesting for the pupils because they can utilize their ain thoughts and they do n’t hold to interpret or reiterate words to larn, so they keep motivated. They can take the manner to show their thoughts based on the individual who is listening to them and besides on the context that they are working in. Besides this method is good for the instructor because there is more flexibleness to do activities that seem more like a game giving pupils a relaxed and merriment environment where they can happen replies from their couples. Besides, the appraisal of the pupils is based in measure up the ability to pass on in a right manner. A communicative schoolroom is really noisy because the pupils have to be involved in activities where they can talk and listen to their schoolmates. Besides, they can work stand up and they can be traveling so the category is non deadening. Therefore, they gain assurance and they feel comfy talking the new linguistic communication. The pupils have the duty of their ain acquisition and the instructor acts more like a usher and an perceiver. The communicative method is based on several rules. One of the most used list of rules is David Nunan ‘s ( 1991 ) which describes that: It puts accent in the communicating in the foreign linguistic communication across the interaction. It introduces existent texts in the state of affairs of acquisition. It offers chances to the students to believe about the acquisition procedure and non merely about the linguistic communication. It gives importance to the pupils ‘ personal experiences as elements that they contribute to the acquisition of the schoolroom. It tries to associate the linguistic communication learned in the schoolroom with activities realized out of it. Therefore, the pupils are larning like in the existent life from their experiences and besides from the experiences and feedback from their schoolmates. Besides, they are larning to utilize the linguistic communication in simulations of day-to-day state of affairss, so they are acquiring accomplishments to public presentation in a societal and cultural existent context utilizing a normal linguistic communication non a perfect one like the one used in books. The pupils besides learn to hold coherency when they are talking to do their sentences apprehensible and meaningful. In this sort of schoolroom the pupils work in braces or groups so they can be able to better their interaction whit other people imitating a existent state of affairs holding an interaction that allows them to negociate an discuss uncertainties. Is of import the uninterrupted usage of the mark linguistic communication, here is where the instructor acts as a proctor oversing that the pupils do n’t talk in thei r native linguistic communication in order to hold a existent pattern during the activities. The pupils does n’t hold to act in a specific manner, when a error happens the pupils are non punished, alternatively of that the instructor raters to honor the eloquence and good pronunciation. Besides, in some activities the pupils are free to take what to state and they besides can take the easiest manner to state it. Thus the pupil can develop schemes to larn and measure by themselves. Another of import point is that the pupils have the opportunity to show their feelings and emotions so they feel comfy in category because they feel they are doing an of import part for the acquisition procedure. This method uses an effort to animate the existent communicating but is non precisely the same. It ‘s of import that the pupils use what they learn in schoolroom when they are out of it. In other methods the chief purpose of acquisition is translate words and sentences and larn a perfect grammar that sometimes is sort of useless in existent life, is better to larn how to believe in the new linguistic communication so the pupils do n’t hold to interpret before speak, losing clip and eloquence. At the terminal, the significance is what matters the most. In other words what is of import is the content of the sentence, non the manner to state it. The chief technique in this method is to do activities that promote communicating between spouses. It ‘s of import to hold a desire of communicating doing inquiries and giving replies to advance duologue holding a ground or a subject to speak about. The instructor can put the subject or give the pupils freedom to take it, therefore the pupils have a communicative intent. Sometimes activities in the communicative schoolroom can look unreal because pupils are merely conceive ofing state of affairss and besides because the instructor is largely of the clip following to them which non occurs in existent state of affairss. To avoid this disadvantage, the instructor can seek to utilize more existent stuff like magazines, books, games, etc. I think that this method can be used in a learner-centered schoolroom where the most of import individual is the pupil and all the activities are focused to better the public presentation of the scholar acquiring near to existent life state of affairss. In my personal experience as pupil I have had the opportunity to experiment communicative activities and I truly like them because small by small I ‘m less afraid to talk and to do errors because if I ‘m incorrect normally I have feedback from my schoolmates or from my instructor. Besides this method makes me experience more interested in the new linguistic communication, English in this instance because I like to utilize it non merely in the schoolroom but in my existent life. I would wish to utilize this method in my categories to do them more merriment and interesting and besides to make a friendly environment with my pupils. Mentions: Wikipedia ( 2009 ) Metodo Comunicativo [ Website ] Available from: A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // % C3 % A9todo_comunicativo gt ; [ December 2009 ] Nunan, David. ( 1991 ) . Planing undertakings for the communicative schoolroom. Cambridge Language Teaching Library [ Online Book ] Available from: A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // id=NSlMZp9XkHoC A ; dq=david+nunan % 2Bcommunicative+teaching A ; lr= A ; source=gbs_navlinks_s gt ; [ December 2009 ] Harmer, Jeremy ( 1991 ) The pattern of English Language Teaching. Longman.Longman Printing New York. Hedge, Tricia ( 2000 ) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Oxford University Press Library [ Online Book ] Available from: A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // id=VG8NuoGgKJYC A ; dq=hedge+tricia A ; lr= gt ; [ December 2009 ]